The Violence Intervention & Prevention (VIP) program was founded on the idea that Sorority and Fraternity Life can come together in their community to educate themselves on these topics and provide support to their chapter members. Representatives from each fraternity and sorority (VIP chairs) facilitate various awareness programs for their chapter’s members and for the UCI SFL Community as a whole. The VIP Program is an organization of representatives from UC Irvine SFL community who are committed to addressing the issues of rape, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking on campus.
In the VIP Program, students gain training and skills to educate and serve as a support person to chapter members and the SFL community regarding sexual assault, intimate partner violence and stalking.
Students who enroll in the class are asked to attend and participate in a year-long commitment (Fall 2024 – Spring 2025).
Supporting a Survivor
- Make sure the person is safe, when possible
- Listen, Believe and Support
- Allow for the person to express their feelings in any way (there’s no ‘NORMAL’ way to respond)
- Provide resources or contact to entities like the CARE office, Counseling Center or 24/7 Crisis hotlines
- Empower the person to make their own decisions
Topics Discussed in VIP
- Green Dot
- Bystander Intervention
- Program Planning & Presentation Skills
- Survivor Panels
- Reporting Panels & High-profile cases
- Rape Culture & Consent
- Supporting a Survivor
- Consent Scenario Discussion
Role of VIP Chair
- Attend weekly one (1) hour training sessions
- Share information with your chapter
- Coordinate at least two (2) CARE programs per quarter (depending on chapter standing)
- Serve as a central resource for chapter members
- Three (3) consecutive quarters of participation
- Help with the planning and implementation of annual Take Back the Night event. You can review more information on this annual Spring Quarter event.
As a VIP Chair, you get…
- Training by campus and community professionals
- Practical experience in counseling and education programming
- Opportunities to help others
- Important knowledge and skills valued by top graduate school programs
- Public speaking and leadership opportunities
- Personal growth and empowerment
- To put awareness workshops for your chapter
- Assistance with campus events
Important Program Links
Chapter Announcement Verification Form (for Chapter Leadership to submit on behalf of SFL chapter)
Chapter Leadership can submit this form to verify that their VIP Chair presented the most recent Violence Intervention and Prevention (VIP) information
Program Proposal form (for VIP Chairs to submit on behalf of their SFL chapter)
VIP Program Evaluation form (for VIP Chairs to submit on behalf of their SFL Chapter)
(as of December 2024)
in GOOD standing
- Alpha Chi Omega (PHA)^
- Alpha Epsilon Omega (MSFC)*
- Alpha Epsilon Pi (IFC)*
- Alpha Gamma Alpha (MSFC)^
- alpha Kappa Delta Phi (MSFC)^
- Alpha Phi (PHA)*
- Alpha Sigma Phi (IFC)^
- Delta Delta Delta (PHA)^
- Delta Gamma (PHA)*
- Delta Lambda Chi (MSFC)*
- Gamma Phi Beta (PHA)^
- Kappa Alpha Theta (PHA)*
- Kappa Zeta Phi (MSFC)^
- Lambda Theta Delta (MSFC)^
- Nu Alpha Kappa (MSFC)^
- Phi Lambda Rho (MSFC)^
- Phi Zeta Tau (MSFC)^
- Pi Beta Phi (PHA)*
- Pi Kappa Alpha (IFC)^
- Sigma Chi (IFC)*
- Sigma Lambda Gamma (MSFC)*
- Sigma Nu (IFC)*
- Sigma Omicron Pi (MSFC)*
- Sigma Phi Epsilon (IFC)*
- Sigma Pi (IFC)*
- Sigma Pi Alpha (MSFC)*
to remain in GOOD standing, chapters listed above must:
- complete one (1) program with 45% attendance in addition to other VIP requirements and turn in sign-in/attendance sheet to VIP Coords/Advisors after the event
in PROBATIONARY standing
- Lambda Upsilon Lambda (MSFC)*
to get into GOOD standing, chapters listed above must:
- complete one (1) program with 65% attendance in addition to other VIP requirements and turn in sign-in sheets to VIP Coords/Advisors after the event
in BAD standing
- Chi Rho Omicron (MSFC)*
- Delta Phi Gamma (MSFC) – currently inactive, unrecognized SFL organization
- Kappa Sigma (IFC)▿
- Phi Delta Theta (IFC) – currently inactive, unrecognized SFL organization
- Phi Kappa Psi (IFC)▿
- Phi Sigma Rho (PHA)
- Pi Alpha Phi (MSFC) – currently inactive, unrecognized SFL organization
- Sigma Delta Sigma (MSFC) – currently inactive, unrecognized SFL organization
- Triangle (IFC)▿
to get into GOOD standing, chapters listed above must:
- complete two (2) programs with 85% attendance in addition to other VIP requirements and turn in sign-in sheets to VIP Coords/Advisors after the event
More information on VIP standing
* – consecutive term with this VIP standing
^ – improvement to VIP standing
▿ – decline in VIP standing
Chapters that host a collaborative event with another SFL organization can drop the quarterly attendance requirement by 10%
On-Campus Support
- Survivors’ Rights/Options:http://www.care.uci.edu/report
- Updates on the UCI CARE Office
VIP Advisors contact info
- Email Joan Berroya Rich – Assistant Director, CARE
- Email Monica Schnapp – Assistant Director, Sorority & Fraternity Life
VIP Coordinators contact info
- Email Haley Kniest – Kappa Alpha Theta
- Winter Qtr Office Hours: Mondays (/Week 2,4,6,8 and 10), 11A-12P in SFLO (3rd Floor of Student Center) or by appointment
- Email Andrew Vizcaya – Nu Alpha Kappa
- Winter Qtr Office Hours: Tuesdays (Week 2,4,6,8 and 10), 5P-6P in SFLO (3rd Floor of Student Center) or by appointment
24/7 Evening and Weekend Support
- Visit RAINN Sexual Assault Hotline (chat also available via iOS/Google app) or call 1-800-656-4673
- Review National Domestic Violence Hotline for chat option or call 1-800-799-7233. Can also text LOVEIS to 22522
- Contact Strong Hearts Native Helpline for online chat or call 1-844-762-8483
- Email A Call for Change Helpline or call 1-877-898-3411 for free, confidential, anonymous help available for those wanting to learn about being a safe partner (language translation and 711 relay dialing available)
- Call Center for the Pacific Asian Family at 1-800-339-3940
- Call The Network/La Red at 1-800-832-1901, available for LGBTQ+ folks and kink and polyamorous communities experiencing relationship abuse
Sorority & Fraternity Life
G308 Student Center
Irvine, CA 92697
Contact Us – Schedule a Meeting